Lors de la première année du concours en 2017, les huit prix suivants seront décernés :
Cinq prix IVA pour des œuvres d’art littéraire inédites d’écrivains autochtones émergents :
2000$ pour le meilleur texte inédit de prose en anglais
2000$ pour le(s) meilleur(s) texte(s) poétique(s) inédit(s) en anglais
2000$ pour le meilleur texte inédit de prose en français
2000$ pour le(s) meilleur(s) texte(s) inédit(s) en français
2000$ pour le meilleur texte inédit dans une langue autochtone (ou l’employant de façon important)
Trois prix IVA pour des œuvres littéraires éditées ou jouées par des écrivains émergents
2000$ pour le livre prééminent en prose d’un écrivain autochtone émergent
2000$ pour le recueil de poésie prééminent d’un écrivain autochtone émergent
2000$ pour l’œuvre prééminente dans une forme alternative d’un écrivain autochtone émergent
For the inaugural competition in 2017-2018, the following 8 prizes will be awarded:
Five Indigenous Voices Awards for Unpublished Literary Art by Emerging Writers:
· $2000 for Best Unpublished Prose Piece in English
· $2000 for Best Unpublished Poetic Piece(s) in English
· $2000 for Best Unpublished Literary Piece in French
· $2000 for Best Unpublished Piece in (or incorporating significant use of) an Indigenous Language
Three Indigenous Voices Awards for Published or Performed Literary Art by Emerging Writers:
· $2000 for Most Significant Book of Prose by an Emerging Indigenous Writer
· $2000 for Most Significant Book of Poetry by an Emerging Indigenous Writer
· $2000 for Most Significant Work in an Alternative Format by an Emerging Indigenous Writer
Categories for UNPUBLISHED Literary Art by Emerging Writers
Best Unpublished Prose Piece in English
$2000 prize for best piece of prose writing or orality written or spoken in English (or in an Indigenous language and translated into English). Textual submissions must be 25 double-spaced pages or less. Graphic or comic submissions must be 25-pages or less. Audio or Film-recorded pieces must be 10-minutes in length or fewer. Prose pieces can include fiction or non-fiction. Please submit 4 copies in the appropriate form, whether it be in hard copy, dvd, CD, etc. to the mailing address below. Submit to ivawards@sfu.ca if you prefer to submit a scanned pdf or an Mp3 file.
Best Unpublished Poetic Piece(s) in English
$2000 prize for best piece(s) of poetry in English (or in an Indigenous language and translated into English). Textual submissions must be 25 double-spaced pages or less. Audio or Film-recorded pieces must be 10-minutes in length or fewer. Poetic pieces can include slam poetry, song lyrics, and other forms. Please submit 4 copies in the appropriate form, whether it be in hard copy, dvd, CD, etc. to the mailing address below. Submit to ivawards@sfu.ca if you prefer to submit a scanned pdf or an Mp3 file.
Best Unpublished Literary Piece in French
$2000 prize for best work written or spoken in French (or in an Indigenous language and translated into French). Textual submissions must be 25 double-spaced pages or less. Graphic or comic submissions must be 25-pages or less. Audio or Film-recorded pieces must be 10-minutes in length or fewer. Prose pieces can include fiction or non-fiction. Please submit 4 copies in the appropriate form, whether it be in hard copy, dvd, CD, etc. to the mailing address below. Submit to ivawards@sfu.ca if you prefer to submit a scanned pdf or an Mp3 file.
Best Unpublished Piece in (or incorporating significant use of) an Indigenous Language
$2000 prize for most effective use of an Indigenous language in an unpublished creative work. Textual submissions must be 25 double-spaced pages or less. Audio or Film-recorded pieces must be 10-minutes in length or fewer. Applicants for this prize must include a translation of their piece into either English or French, and are requested to provide the names and contact information of 3 speakers of the Indigenous language used in their piece (should the jury wish to consult). Please submit 4 copies in the appropriate form, whether it be in hard copy, dvd, CD, etc. to the mailing address below. Submit to ivawards@sfu.ca if you prefer to submit a scanned pdf or an Mp3 file.
Categories for PUBLISHED or PERFORMED Literary Art by Emerging Writers:
NB: Published work will be considered eligible for these prizes provided it appeared on the market between January 1st and December 31st of 2018.
Most Significant Book of Prose Published by an Emerging Indigenous Writer
$2000 prize for most significant book of prose published between January 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2018 by an emerging Indigenous literary artist. We understand prose in diverse ways that can include fiction, non-fiction, memoir, graphic novels, and other forms. Submissions should be made by publishers, who can nominate works by up to three authors for this prize. Publishers need to submit 4 copies of each work to the mailing address below. Submit to ivawards@sfu.ca if you prefer to submit a scanned pdf or an Mp3 file.
Most Significant Book of Poetry Published by an Emerging Indigenous Writer
$2000 prize for most significant book of poetry published between January 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2018 by an emerging Indigenous literary artist. We understand poetry in diverse ways that can include graphic works, lyrics, written orature, and other forms. Submissions should be made by publishers, who can nominate works by up to three authors for this prize. Publishers need to submit 4 copies of each work to the mailing address below. Submit to ivawards@sfu.ca if you prefer to submit a scanned pdf or an Mp3 file.
Most Significant Work in an Alternative Format by an Emerging Indigenous Writer
$2000 prize for most significant work of literary art produced or performed in an alternative format between January 1st, 2018 and 31 December 31st, 2018 by an emerging Indigenous literary artist. This award honours the diverse nature of literary artistry by recognizing work that exceeds the format of the book. Such work can include but is not limited to screenwriting, drama or playscript, and other forms. Submissions should be made by applicants themselves and can be in the format most suited to the sharing of the piece in question. Please submit 4 copies in the appropriate form, whether it be dvd, mp3 files, photocopies, etc. to the mailing address below. Submit to ivawards@sfu.ca if you prefer to submit a scanned pdf or an Mp3 file.